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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Fight Tooth and Nail to Claim Their Stake on Winery Ownership

Angelina Jolie recently dropped a legal bomb on her ex, Brad Pitt, and it’s making waves everywhere. In a series of jaw-dropping court documents, Angelina shaded Brad Pitt in the most intense way possible. It seems like the gloves are off in this epic battle for justice.

The Tomb Raider star has filed a new response in her year-long legal dispute over the former French winery she purchased with Brad Pitt when they were still married in 2008. Brad sued Angelina for allegedly selling her share of their multimillion-dollar estate, Chateau Miraval, to a Russian billionaire illegally in February 2022 after she sold her portion of it in 2021. In court papers submitted in early June, Brad claimed that Angie was “enriching herself” while “intentionally damaging” him.

Angie’s latest court document, which Page Six claimed to have gotten on July 10, purportedly stated, “Pitt is an actor, not a winemaker.” The comment continued, “He deals in illusions, not dirt and grapes,” calling Brad’s portrayal of himself as a devout rural boy and winemaker “ludicrous“. “During the years that he allegedly ‘built’ the business, he filmed and appeared in dozens of movies, not to mention making countless promotional appearances, jetting-setting [sic] around the world for movie premieres, and attending Hollywood parties. While he no doubt visited the vineyards to admire the work of the French laborers who actually made the business successful, Pitt is no vigneron.”, the mother of six stated.

Additionally, Angelina claimed that Brad owed her $350 million and had been abusing the winery’s profits. We contacted Brad’s representative but did not receive a promptly answer.

Brad’s June filing emphasized the fact that he and the Maleficent star allegedly had a formal contract. “As set forth in Plaintiffs’ Second Amended Complaint, Pitt and Jolie had a mutual and binding commitment, reflected by their conduct and statements to one another over time, that they would hold Miraval together and, if the time came, that they would sell their interests separately only with the other’s consent,” the complaint noted. Of course, Brad did not consent to her sale.

Angie was also charged with failing to help in managing the winery while she owned it. “Instead, she allowed Pitt to pour money and sweat equity into the business in reliance on her promise to hold Miraval together, as well as the contractual rights her holding company Nouvel owed his,” Brad claimed. “By the time of their separation, Pitt’s investment exceeded Jolie’s by nearly $50 million.”

When things started to go south, Angie ended all negotiations and sold her shares, despite the fact that Brad and Angie were allegedly planning to divide the winery shares after their divorce. Additionally, Angie and Brad were embroiled in a protracted custody dispute involving their six children. Brad was awarded joint custody in 2021 following a five-year court battle.

Whose side are you on? Are you Team Angelina or Team Brad? We can’t wait to hear your opinions! Don’t forget to comment down below with your thoughts on this shocking development.

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