The world is still mourning the loss of Matthew Perry, the beloved actor who played Chandler Bing on the iconic sitcom Friends. Perry, who passed away on October 28, 2023, at the age of 54, had a remarkable career in Hollywood, but also a troubled personal life marked by addiction and health issues. Now, sources close to the star have revealed that he had a secret wish to have a biopic made about his life, and he had already picked the actor who would portray him: Zac Efron.
Efron, who rose to fame with the High School Musical franchise, had already played a younger version of Perry in the 2009 comedy film 17 Again, where he and Perry switched bodies. The film was a box office success and received positive reviews from critics, who praised the chemistry between the two actors. Perry was reportedly impressed by Efron’s performance and saw him as a potential successor.
“Matthew always admired Zac’s talent and charisma. He thought he was the perfect choice to play him in a biopic. He even reached out to him a few times to discuss the idea, but nothing ever materialized,” a source told Metro.
The source added that Perry had a rough outline of the biopic in his mind, and he wanted it to be honest and raw, not sugar-coating his struggles with substance abuse, depression, and chronic pain. He also wanted to highlight his achievements and contributions to the entertainment industry, as well as his relationships with his Friends co-stars and other celebrities.
“Matthew wanted to tell his story in his own way. He wanted to show the world who he really was, the good and the bad. He wanted to inspire people who were going through similar challenges, and also to celebrate his legacy as a comedian and an actor. He had a lot of stories to share, and he hoped that Zac would be the one to bring them to life on the big screen,” the source said.
However, Perry’s dream of a biopic never came true, as he was found unresponsive in a hot tub at his home in Los Angeles. The cause of death is still under investigation, but authorities suspect that it was related to his long-term health problems. Perry had undergone several surgeries for gastrointestinal issues and had also suffered a stroke in 2018. He had also battled addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs for years, and had been to rehab several times.
Perry’s death shocked his fans and colleagues, who paid tribute to him on social media and in interviews. His Friends co-stars, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, and David Schwimmer, released a joint statement expressing their grief and love for their friend. They also shared a photo of the six of them together from their recent reunion special, which aired on HBO Max in May 2023.
“Matthew was our brother, our friend, and our partner in laughter. He was a brilliant actor, a generous soul, and a hilarious person. We are heartbroken by his passing, and we will always cherish the memories we made with him. He will be forever in our hearts,” the statement read.
Efron also posted a heartfelt message on his Instagram account, along with a photo of him and Perry from the premiere of 17 Again. He wrote that he was honored and grateful to have worked with Perry, and that he was devastated by his death.
“Matthew was a legend, a mentor, and a friend. He was one of the funniest and most talented people I ever met. He taught me so much about comedy, acting, and life. He was always kind, supportive, and generous to me. I will never forget the time we spent together, and the laughs we shared. He was a true inspiration, and I will miss him terribly. Rest in peace, Matthew. You will always be my hero,” Efron wrote.
Perry’s biopic may never see the light of day, but his fans can still enjoy his work on Friends, which is available to stream on HBO Max, and on other films and shows that he starred in or produced. Perry’s legacy as one of the greatest comedic actors of his generation will live on, and his fans will always remember him as the witty and lovable Chandler Bing.